an alternative keyboard shortcut for ALT + F4 CTRL + SHIFT + F8

Trying to be helpful in a random way. LOL

Some random keyboard shortcuts:

  • Windows + D - minimize all windows very quickly to avoid being caught of doing something suspicious/lascivious over the internet.

  • Windows + L - lock the keyboard (more useful if you are password-protected)

  • CTRL + 1CTRL + 2CTRL + 5 - single space, double space, 1.5 space

  • CTRL + F10 - restore current window’s size (MS Office)

  • CTRL + E - center

  • CTRL + H - find and replace

  • CTRL + M - insert a tab character (if your tab key is not working lol)

  • CTRL + W - an alternative keyboard shortcut for ALT F4

  • CTRL + SHIFT + F8 - select a vertical block of text in a Word document.

  • SHIFT + F3 - change from lowercase to UPPERCASE, vice-versa

  • SHIFT + F10 - right-click (an MS office keyboard shortcut that is useful when you accidentally cracked your mouse)

  • SHIFT + F12 - save as

I hope that most of you don’t know these yet to give me some sense of achievement of having an additional purpose in life.