Utilize the power of visualization—- clearly picture in your

Goal Setting

Want to set more goals? Here are seven tips to help!

  1. Put them in writing. As the saying goes, “A goal not written is only a wish.” Seeing your goal clearly written down increases your chances of achieving it.

  2. Refer to them often. Print out several copies and place them where you can clearly see them, such as your planner or your bathroom mirror.

  3. Break it down. Divide each goal into the steps you need to take to achieve it. Make sure they are clear and specific.

  4. Get a goal buddy. He or she could be a friend with the same goal or a parent who can motivate you to achieve it.

  5. Imagine the results. Utilize the power of visualization—- clearly picture in your mind what you’ll look like or how you’ll feel after you’ve achieved your goal.

  6. Keep a journal. Tracking your progress shows you how far you’ve come and how much farther you have to go.

  7. Be patient. Achieving a goal takes time. Don’t be discouraged when you make a mistake or fail to do something on your to do list. Simply take a deep breath and start over. Never give up.